Well, our vacation is almost over. We drove out of Colorado today and into Kansas. What a change of scenery. I thought it was flat where we live, but that was before I came here. I like it though. We've made a couple of interesting stops so far. A billboard advertising the largest craft store in the area got us to exit the interstate and drive into the small town of Brewster. I was looking for yarn of course, but they didn't have any. We did however, buy some lemonade and homemade cookies from some young girls who had set up a stand in their front yard. They were so cute.
Miles later, my husband spotted another billboard that advertised a quilt and yarn store so we got off at the next town to investigate. It was the wrong place, but we were told that there was a better store in the town of Gove called Gove City Yarns & Antiques.

The population of
Gove is just over 100. It is very small, but the yarn store isn't. The selection of yarn is better than some stores I've been to in large cities. There are three or four rooms filled with yarn. A lot of premium stuff. Also, some spinning wheels and spinning supplies. I bought some 100% llama for a shawl. It's their own line of yarn. According to the label, it's produced by wheatfield llamas of Kansas. The perfect souvenir for a knitter. They don't have a website so you'll just have to drive to Kansas and see for yourself. You won't be disappointed.
Tonight we are at the KOA in WaKeeny. It's stormy. The people that work here said there were about ten tornados in the area in June. I've never seen a tornado in person. Hope I never do.