It was early--very early.

Somehow John convinced me to wake up at 4:00 a.m. on Saturday to go fishing in the marsh. We left the house at 4:30, arrived in Matagorda at 5:30 and launched the kayaks right around 6:00. There was just enough light in the sky for us to see where we were going without the aid of a flashlight.
Paul, John's brother, was with us. He got his boat and gear ready before we did, so we bid him good luck as he paddled off. We told him we'd meet him later at McNab Lake. John and I didn't rush the one mile paddle to the lake, but stopped to fish the oyster reefs along the way and enjoy the sunrise over the marsh.

The marsh is a beautiful and mysterious place in the early morning light. Sitting low in the kayak, all you can see is cord grass, sky and water. We were lucky to be shaded by clouds early on, but later the sun broke through with its full force and the heat began to build.

When we finally arrived at the lake we heard Paul whistling for us and calling for help. At first, we thought he was in trouble, but as we got closer, we saw his rod bent nearly in half and realized the help he needed was in landing a whopper of a fish.

Now this is a fish story that
John and
Paul tell much better than I ever could, so if you're interested in such things, you can check out their blogs. The landing involved a lengthy kayak tow to the far shore, some quick work with the net and above all, endurance and determination of man over beast. The catch was an alligator gar with an estimated weight over 40 pounds and a length of 43 inches.
We fished until about 11:30 and those leaving with fish for supper were the ones with the most experience. Paul brought home two redfish and John caught a flounder and a redfish. The only thing red in my boat was the sock I brought along to take a picture of. I've delayed starting this second sock for about a month. This week I'll try to complete the pair.

The paddle back to the launch-site was hard work against the current and by this time of day it was extremely hot. I have a tendency to overheat easily and though I'd been careful to stay hydrated, it wasn't enough. As we were loading the kayaks and gear, I realized I'd gotten too hot. John and I had to cut our day in Matagorda short and head home so I could recuperate. It was disappointing to say the least, but we made up for it on Sunday after church with a return trip for lunch at
Spoonbills and a drive on the beach...this time in the comfort of an air-conditioned Jeep.