SundayI was able to squeeze in a little spinning. I'm working with a
mystery wool that Amy gave me. It's different than anything I've spun before: full of lanolin (but very clean) and a bit stretchy. I think I have the hang of drafting it now, though it took a little time to figure it out. I'm trying to spin it thick enough for a two-ply worsted weight.
MondayThis was an emotional day for the whole town. The historic part of Needville High School was completely destroyed by a fire. This building was 60 years old and was the center of the school. It was a beautiful old structure that had been maintained well over the years. It was all wood construction down to the polished hardwood floors and that contributed to it's total destruction. It housed the school administrative offices, the computer labs and several classrooms. All records were burned, even the recently taken TAKS (Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills) tests that were waiting for mail pick up. Students will have to take them over.
Some families in Needville have had three generations attend school in that building. Everyone was sad about losing it, but thankful that no one was injured. The fire started in the early morning hours when no one was around. Sadness turned to anger when it was determined that arson was the cause. No one has been caught yet, but I'm confident they will find out who did it.
John went to see the damage on Monday evening. I didn't have the heart to go. He said it was very emotional. Lots of people were there, but it was quiet. The mood was somber and filled with sadness. The two large oak trees in front that were planted when the school was built are still standing though scorched from the fire. I think that's how everyone was feeling: emotionally scorched.
TuesdayJohn and I drove to Edmond, Oklahoma to help Matt move out of the dorm and haul his stuff home for the summer. It was a long drive (9 hours). It was overcast all day with rain off and on. There were tornado warnings and bad weather all around. We arrived safely, but exhausted. I think we were drained from the day before.
WednesdayAfter Matt took his last final exam, we loaded a few things in the truck. He was wiped out from staying up late to study, so while he napped, we drove over to Guthrie. Stopped in at
S.W.A.K. and bought some yarn for summer socks.

Panda Wool, Crystal Palace Yarns
46% Bamboo, 43% Wool, 11% Nylon

Jawoll Cotton Superwash, Lang Yarns
49% Wool, 35% Cotton, 16% Nylon
ThursdayLoaded the rest of Matt's things. While Matt was getting officially checked out of the dorm, John took Matt's vehicle down to have the tire checked. It was soft. Not good for driving on. It took about two hours at the tire store. While we waited, I knitted on a pair of socks that's been on my needles since January. I really need to finish these before I start a new pair. One lady, also waiting for her car to be fixed, came over to talk to me. She's a knitter and likes to make socks too. She even commented on the hand knit socks I was wearing. Finally got on the road after lunch and arrived home at 10:00 last night.
FridayI had hoped to go some place special today for a photo shoot of my hand spun scarf, but the weather is not cooperating. One day there will be pictures, but I'm not making promises about when.