Beautiful wool roving hand-dyed by artisan Susan Hensel.

And the most amazing needle-felted columbine made by Danielle herself. She said she modeled it after one of my pictures.

I love this flower so much! It's displayed on my computer desk where I can admire it often and be reminded of my trip to Colorado, the mountain wildflowers I saw there and friendships that begin in the most unexpected ways.
Danielle blogs at One Day at a Time. She's looking for the perfect pattern to use for a beautiful skein of laceweight yarn and has turned her quest into a contest. It would be great if you could stop by and share your ideas.
This weekend I went to my favorite yarn shop, Twisted Yarns, to search for just the right extras to go with the bluebonnet seeds I'll be sending to Danielle. I was very excited to see that they have started to sell roving. Of course, I couldn't leave without adding to my stash.

Roving by J. Knits, 100% Merino Wool, Iowa Colorway